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Safe Cloud Computing

Everyone wants things instantly nowadays.

At the moment it might be the case that you are enabling everyone to share, view and amend your company data without a backup of those files in place.

This is very risky.

Ensure you do keep a separate backup using the

Depositit instructions or any other secure system.

We have become used to quick and reliable internet speeds, demand instant access to our info and the amount of data we create is constantly increasing.

We are all using the ‘Cloud’ in one way or another. Email services, data storage and many professional service solutions now provide convenience, allowing us to access our information and databases from anywhere and consumer solutions let us share digital information and images amongst peers.

Whilst very convenient please don’t be fooled into thinking these are Backup Solutions. With most of them, if you delete or incorrectly update a file - it will be gone, lost or wiped from the system!

This includes Google Drive or OneDrive which does NOT provide backup security for data stored in it. It offers a decent way of storing, sharing & accessing the files and potentially relieves the requirement and maintenance for a physical Server BUT you still need to ensure you retain a copy of your data and back it up.

We have also found that many IT support agents do not seem to be aware that OneDrive is not offering a backup of the files and are telling their clients not to worry as their data remains safe. This is unwise and incorrect.

IMPORTANT: The only way to truly remain in control of your data is to ensure you always have an up to date copy of all the files on your own local drive at all times (and not stored solely on the Service providers’ server where they could be deleted, overwritten and at risk).

With a local version, you have the ability to protect your files using automated off-site backup systems such as Depositit Backup which retains historic versions of previously deleted, overwritten or corrupted files that you can restore whenever required. Without this local version and off-site backup, your data is at risk.


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